The rising sun beating down on our tent woke us up around 7 am. Having driven into and set up our campsite in the dark last night we realized we had little clue about what our surroundings looked like. However, we both recalled hearing many strange animal noises throughout the night. Jonah was the first out of the tent and he pointed out one of the most surprising sights of the trip thus far. No more than 150 feet from our tent was a herd of 40 to 50 bison. These massive creatures were peacefully grazing and paid little attention to us or any of the other campers in the area. Amidst the herd was a community of ground dwelling prairie dogs. As the prairie dogs popped their heads in and out of their homes in the ground, and with the bison roaming above them, I was reminded of the popular carnival game “Whack-a-mole”. After taking time to acclimate ourselves with our awesome surroundings, we jumped in the car and set out for the
At the
Feeling refreshed and hungry, we headed into the local town of
Upon returning to the campsite we fired up the grill for the first time and cooked ourselves some delicious turkey quesadilla’s. After dinner we decided to play catch around the campsite, Jonah with his baseball glove and me with my lacrosse stick. Within 15 minutes we had turned the campsite into a session of Badlands Sports. Two other campers joined us for catch, two others began tossing a Frisbee, and several people took their dogs off their leashes and began playing catch with them. As the session went on, even a few bison strolled by the site to utilize their favorite scratching post (coincidentally also the sign for our campsite). As the sun went down over the rolling prairie hills that define the western part of the park, all the campers retired to their individual campsites. Having spent the first half of the day hiking awesome terrain, and the second half relaxing and playing sports I felt completely satisfied. After a game of cards I was exhausted and ready for bed.
- Alex
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